Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I made a chair

I started with a blank page in Adobe Illustrator, and ended up with this.  It's really basic and could be better, but I'm still pretty proud.  It was just so satisfying to figure out how to use the program to create something that actually looks like what it was supposed to.  This was for a Graphic Design assignment; we drew illustrations to go along with a poem.  I intend to put the entire finished thing on Facebook, if I can figure out how to convert the file to a format I can upload.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A poem

I'm back at Houghton and recently had two of my poems published in The Candle, a short, monthly publication the current editors of The Lanthorn have started.  I thought I'd share one of them...

Geological Thoughts
When I decided that my thoughts were a braided stream,
flowing in a network of interconnected rivulets
around numerous bars,
I immediately realized
I’d been studying geology too long.